PHILIP N. TIRABASSI, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 8, Baltimore County, since November 10, 2005. Member, Problem-Solving Courts Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2008-11. Member, District Court Chief Judge's Committee, Judicial Council, 2017-.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, May 5, 1955. Attended Archbishop Curley High School, Baltimore; Loyola College, Baltimore, B.A. (political science), 1977; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1988. Former Managing Partner, Nowicki & Tirabassi. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Baltimore County Bar Association (executive council, 2005-; bench & bar committee, 2005-; lawyer assistance committee; solo & small firm committee, 2005-; co-chair, law day committee, 2005; chair, long-range planning committee, 2010-11; treasurer, 2010-11; secretary, 2011-12; president, 2013-14); Harford County Bar Association. Member, Justinian Society. Former Justinian Lawyer of the Year; Maryland State Youth Soccer Coach of the Year, 1999.
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