Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, John P. Morrissey, Chief Judge, District Court of Maryland] JOHN P. MORRISSEY, Chief Judge, District Court of Maryland, since June 1, 2014. Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, January 6, 2006 to June 1, 2014. Member, Judicial Ethics Committee, 2006-14, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 2009-12, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 2007-14; Governor's Commission to Reform Maryland's Pretrial System, 2014; Task Force to Study Implementing a Civil Right to Counsel in Maryland, 2014. Vice-Chair, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2014. Chair, Maryland Electronic Courts Advisory Committee, 2014-. Member, Judicial Cabinet, 2014-, and Judicial Council, 2014- (executive committee, 2014-), Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Technology Oversight Board, 2014-15. Chair, District Court Chief Judges Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-. Member, Court Technology Committee, 2015- (chair, major project executive steering subcommittee, 2017-20), and Legislative Committee, 2015-, Judicial Council. Chair, Major Projects Committee, Judicial Council, 2020-. Member, Equal Justice Committee, 2020-, Judicial Council.

Member, Forensic Services Work Group, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2016; Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board, 2016-.

Counsel to Board of Education, Prince George's County, 2003-05. Former member, Peer Review Committee, Attorney Grievance Commission.

Born in Washington, DC, December 27, 1964. Lifelong resident of Prince George's County. Attended DeMatha Catholic High School, Hyattsville, Maryland; James Madison University, B.B.A. (business administration), magna cum laude, 1986; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., cum laude, 1989 (heuisler honor society; american jurisprudence award winner for contracts & commercial transactions). Editor-in-Chief, University of Baltimore Law Review, vol. 18, 1988-89. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1989; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1991; U.S. Court of Appeals for 4th Circuit, 1992; District of Columbia Bar, 1995. Associate, Venable, Baetjer & Howard, 1989-92. Partner, Morrissey Brothers, PC, 1992-2006. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Prince George's County Bar Association; Association of Trial Lawyers of America. Mentor, University of Baltimore School of Law. Managing Member, Emerald Investment Group, LLC, 1994-2006; Bay Shore Yacht Sales, LLC, 1995-2006. Director, Bowie Health Center Foundation. Member, Legislation Committee, Greater Bowie Chamber of Commerce. Author, "Equal Access to Pole Attachment Agreements: Implications of Telephone Company Participation in the Cable Television Industry," 18 University of Baltimore Law Review, 165 (1989). Judge of the Year, 2013-2014, Litigation Section, Maryland State Bar Association. Influential Marylander in Law, Daily Record, 2017.

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