HALEE F. WEINSTEIN, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, since August 5, 2002. Judge-in-Charge, Eastside District Court, 2014-. Presiding Judge, Veterans Treatment Court, 2015-. Member, Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, Judicial Council, 2020-.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1991-2002 (Assistant Division Chief, Charging Division, 2000-02). Member, Mayor's Coordinating Council on Criminal Justice.
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 5, 1962. Campbell University, B.S. (physical education), magna cum laude, 1984. Served in U.S. Army (military intelligence), 1984-86. University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1989. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1989. Law clerk to Judge Elsbeth L. Bothe, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1989-90. Litigation Associate, Kaplan, Heyman, Greenberg, Engelman, & Belgrad, P.A., 1990-91. Member, American, Maryland State and Baltimore City Bar Associations. Member, Women's Bar Association of Maryland; Women's Law Center of Maryland; National Lesbian and Gay Law Association; Maryland Lesbian and Gay Law Association; Maryland State's Attorneys' Association. Adult literacy tutor, South East Community Association, 1989-90. Shortstop, Baltimore Blues softball team, 1989-93. Volunteer lobbyist, Maryland Gay and Lesbian Veterans, 1992-93. Fundraiser & event coordinator for House of Ruth, Baltimore Justice Campaign, and Freestate Justice Campaign. Legislative Co-Chair, Baltimore Justice Campaign, 1993-94. Hopkins Hero, 2001 (ran Baltimore Marathon to raise money for Johns Hopkins Children's Center). Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2019. Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2020.
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