Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


WAYNE A. BROOKS, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 10, Howard County, since June 13, 2014. Member, Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-.

Special Assistant U.S. Prosecutor, U.S. Magistrate Court, 1985-86. Hearing Officer, Department of Environmental Resources, Prince George's County, 1991. Member, Citizens Advisory Committee, Board of Education, Howard County, 1991-93. Assistant Public Defender, Mental Health Division, Howard County, 1991-94. Executive Administrative Law Judge and Deputy Director of Operations, Office of Administrative Hearings, 2001-14 (administrative law judge, 1995-2001).

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 27, 1957. Attended West Philadelphia University City High School; Howard University, B.S. (psychology), 1979; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1984 (president, student bar association, 1983-84). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1985. Served in U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps (captain, 1985-87). Associate, Fossett & Brugger, Chartered, 1987-90; Alfred Nance & Associates, 1990-91; Law Offices of James H. Taylor, P.C., 1991. Member, American Bar Association, 1985-91; Maryland State Bar Association, 1985-91, 2008- (administrative law section; board of governors, 2008-10; chair, minorities in the legal profession committee, 2010-); Howard County Bar Association, 1995- (president, 2007); Prince George's County Bar Association, 1987-91; J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association (co-chair, legislative committee, 1987-91); Waring-Mitchell Law Society, 1995- (president, 2000-02); National Association of Administrative Law Judges (maryland board member, 2010-). Board of Directors, Ardmore Enterprises, 1988-94 (president, 1992-94). Chair, Scouting on the Mall Committee, Scouting for Food Committee, National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, 1989-90. Baseball and basketball coach, Elkridge Youth Organization, 1993-96. Board of Directors and coach, Columbia Football Association, 1993-2001. President, Hollifield Estates Home Owners' Association, 2003-06. Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland State Bar Association, 1989, 1990. Certificate of Appreciation, National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, 1990. Appreciation Award, Ardmore Enterprises, 1994. Public Defender of the Year, Mental Health Division, Howard County Office of Public Defender, 1992. Living Legend Award, Mount Pisgah African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2001. Service Award, Howard County Bar Association, 2008. Member, Mount Pisgah A.M.E. Church, 1995- (chair, board of trustees, 1997).

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