JOYCE M. BAYLOR-THOMPSON, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, since March 21, 2014.
Chief Judge, Orphans' Court, Baltimore City, September 2000 to March 21, 2014 (judge, 1994-2000). Chair, Conference of Orphans’ Court Judges, 2011-13 (member, 2003-14; vice-chair, 2003-09; former co-chair). Member, Judicial Ethics Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2006-09.
Chief, Guardianship Unit, Office on Aging, 1979-86. Legal specialist, State Department of Assessments and Taxation, 1986-2000.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 16, 1956. Walbrook High School, Baltimore; Morgan State University, B.S. (social work), magna cum laude, 1978; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, M.S.W., 1979; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1986. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1993. Attorney. Solo practitioner, 1998-2014. Member, American Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association; Baltimore City Bar Association (founding member, estates and trusts committee, 2012). Adjunct Professor (business law), Dundalk Community College, 1994, and Howard Community College, 2002-07. President, Maryland Association of the Judges of the Orphans' Courts, 2009-11 (education & training committee, 1996-2003; board of directors). Board of Trustees, City Temple Baptist, Baltimore, 1995-. Member, Mental Health Board of Greater Metropolitan Baltimore, 1997-99. Member, Alpha Alpha Sigma Chapter, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, 2000-. Board of Directors, Bluford Drew Jamison School, 2012-. Exemplary Alumnus Award, Social Work and Mental Health, Morgan State University, 1995. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend Women in Government Award, Maryland Women for Responsive Government, 1997. Outstanding Community Service Award, Berea Temple Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1997. Certificate of Appreciation, Baltimore City Public Schools, 1998. Certificate for Internships offered to school students, Offices of Career and Technology Education, Baltimore County Public Schools, 2000. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2003. Woman on the Move Award, Alpha Alpha Sigma Chapter, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, 2012. Member, City Temple of Baltimore Baptist Church, 1974- (chair, board of trustees). Married; one child.
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