CATHERINE CURRAN O'MALLEY, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, since August 16, 2001. Member, Domestic Law Committee, Judicial Council, 2019.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County, 1991-2001 (law clerk, Investigation Division, 1988-91; prosecutor, District Court, 1991-94; prosecutor, Juvenile Court, 1994-95; prosecutor, Circuit Court, 1995-99; chief, white collar/economic crimes unit, 1999-2001).
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 18, 1962. Towson State University, B.S. (international studies), 1985; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1991; National College of District Attorneys, 1995. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1991. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Baltimore City Bar Association; Women's Bar Association of Maryland, Baltimore Chapter (executive committee, 1994-97). Securities dealer, investment division, and manager, international bank note division, Allfirst Bank of Maryland, 1985-88. Board of Directors, Caroline Center, 1999; House of Ruth, 1999-2001; Port Discovery, 1999-2001; Baltimore Zoo, 2000-; Notre Dame Preparatory High School, 2001-; Maryland Women's History Project. Executive Board, Maryland Women's Heritage Center. Chair, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fundraiser, 2000; Race for the Cure, 2000, 2001. Volunteer judge, Truancy Court Program, University of Baltimore School of Law, 2005-. President's Award for Excellence in Public Service, University of Baltimore, 2009. Fannie Lou Hamer Award, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Awards Committee, 2011. Forerunner Award, Montgomery County Family Justice Center Foundation, 2011. DeStefano Service Award, YWCA of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County, 2011. Conservation Achievement Award, National Wildlife Federation, 2012. Rita C. Davidson Award, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2012.
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