JOHN E. NUNN III, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 3, Kent County, since January 16, 2009. Member, Commission on Professionalism, 2010-12.
Assistant Public Defender, Kent & Queen Anne's counties, 1992-2008. Co-Chair, Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission, 1993-2005. Counsel, Town of Betterton, 1987-90. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Behavioral Health Council, Kent County, 2006-. Member, Worton Butlertown Steering Committee, 2005-07. Chair, J. DeWeese Carter Center Advisory Board, 2006-20. Member, Kent County Community Center Authority, 2006-.
Born in Lawton, Oklahoma, March 14, 1958. Washington College, B.A. (history), 1980; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1983. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1984. Law clerk to Chief Judge George B. Rasin, Jr., Second Judicial Circuit, 1983-87. Attorney, Mowell, Nunn & Wadkovsky, 1989-92. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 2006- (judicial administration section; judicial administration section council, 2006-); Kent County Bar Association, 1987- (past president). Board of Directors, Kent Youth, 1986-2005. Member, Chestertown Tea Party Committee, 1987-90; Kent County United Way, 1988. Board of Directors, Mid-Shore Pro Bono, Inc., 2005- (secretary, 2006-). Senior Warden, Christ Church at IU., Worton, Maryland, 2002- (vestry, 1992-).
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