LEONARD J. EISWERT, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 12, Garrett County, November 14, 2008 to March 21, 2013. Retired March 21, 2013. Member, Retired and Recalled Judges Committee, 2015-17, and Senior Judges Committee, 2017-, Judicial Council.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1972-77. Assistant State's Attorney, Garrett County, 1977-78. Member, Character Committee, Fourth Judicial Circuit, 1998-2008; Public Defender Regional Advisory Board no. 4, 2002-05. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Garrett County, 2008-13. Former member, Inquiry Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 22, 1943. Loyola College, B.S. (political science), 1965. Served in U.S. Army, 1965-67; U.S. Army Reserve, 1968-72 (captain). University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 1972. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972. Principal, Eiswert, Janes & Kepple, 1977-2008. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1972- (real property, planning & zoning section); Garrett County Bar Association, 1977- (president, 1981-82). Pro bono legal counsel, Habitat for Humanity, Garrett County, 1982-2008. Board of Directors, Garrett County Chamber of Commerce, 1998-2008 (vice-chair, 2000). Former member, Board of Directors, Hospice of Garrett County. Member, Knights of Columbus. Former adjunct instructor, Garrett College. Former Advisor, Mock Trial Team, Southern High School.
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