JONAS DANIEL LEGUM, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 7, Anne Arundel County, July 12, 2006 to July 2, 2018. Retired July 2, 2018.
Assistant State's Attorney, Anne Arundel County, 1977-81. Legislative analyst, House Judiciary Committee, General Assembly, 1981. Member, Inquiry Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1982-92. Member, Ethics Commission, City of Annapolis, 1986-90. Born in Annapolis, Maryland, July 3, 1948. Case Western Reserve University, B.A. (political science), 1970. Served in Army National Guard, 1970-76. University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1975. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1981-; Anne Arundel County Bar Association, 1981-; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association. Private practice of law, 1981-2006. Board of Directors, Raft House, 1985-93. Member, Annapolis Striders, 1982-. Member, B'nai B'rith, 1986-. Master of Ceremony, Annapolis Jewish Festival, 1989-91. Member, Capital Campaign Committee, Aleph Bet Jewish Day School, 2004-. Certificate of Appreciation, Mayor of Annapolis, 1990. Certificate of Appreciation, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1992. Congregant of the Year, Congregation Kneseth Israel Synagogue, 2002. Member, Congregation Kneseth Israel Synagogue (board of governors, 2000-01; executive vice-president, 2001-).
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