Associate Judge, Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of Maryland, May 30, 2006 to November 12, 2011. Retired November 12, 2011. Member, Professionalism Task Force, 2002-03. Inquiry Committee (Montgomery County), Attorney Grievance Commission, 1995-98.
Major Frauds Investigator, Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office, 1978-79. Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1979-83. Chief's Advisory Council, Gaithersburg City Police Department, 2000-06.
Born March 19, 1949. LaSalle College, B.A. (history), 1971; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1978 (president, student bar association, 1977-78). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1978; District of Columbia Bar, 1984. Associate, Ward & Klein, 1983-85. Partner, Clarke, Crawford & Bonifant, 1985-94; Clifford, Debelius, Crawford, Bonifant & Fitzpatrick, 1994-2006. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 1999-2001, 2004-06; co-chair, membership committee, 2005-06; liaison, criminal law section, 2000-02, 2005-06; Judge Anselm Sodaro judicial civility award committee, 2002, 2004-05); Montgomery County Bar Association (executive committee, 1985-86, 1992-94; member, annual charity tournament committee, 1990-97). Member, Montgomery County Inn of Court (president, 2002-03). Mentor, Mentoring Program, University of Baltimore School of Law, 1997-2012. Moot Court Judge, University of Baltimore School of Law; George Washington University School of Law; Washington College of Law, The American University; University of Maryland Scool of Law. Member, Charity Tournament Committee, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital Foundation, 1999-2003. Professionalism Award, Executive Committee, Montgomery County Bar Association, 2003. Certificate of Appreciation, Board of Governors, Maryland State Bar Association, 2004. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 1998-2013. Died in Texas, April 19, 2013.
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