MARK THOMAS O'BRIEN, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, August 4, 2000 to October 6, 2018. Retired October 6, 2018. Member, Public Awareness Committee, 2006-15, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Administrative Judges Committee, District Court of Maryland, 2009-15. Member, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 2010-13, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1985-90. Assistant State's Attorney, Calvert County, 1990. Inquiry Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 1999-2000.
University of Maryland University College, B.A., 1976; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D. 1984. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1985; District of Columbia Bar, 1988; U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, 1991; U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, 1996. Partner, Drummond & O'Brien, 1992-2000. Member, District of Columbia Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association (alternative dispute resolution section; bench bar section; litigation law section); Prince George's County Bar Association (board of directors, 2007-). Member, Alan Goldstein Inns of Court, 2000-01. President's Award, Prince George's County Bar Association, 2000.
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