JOHN R. HARGROVE, JR., Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, July 21, 1998 to March 3, 2010, and September 30, 2013 to February 5, 2015 (District Administrative Judge, March 3, 2010 to September 30, 2013). Retired February 5, 2015. Member, Council on Management and Productivity, 2000-03. Member, Commissioner Education Committee, 2000-15, Judicial Education Committee, 2001-02, and Administrative Judges Committee, 2003-13, District Court of Maryland. Member, Judicial Council, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2006-08. Member, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Baltimore City, 2010-13; Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2011-14. Chair, Judicial Task Force on Pretrial Confinement and Release, 2013-14.
Assistant Attorney General, 1990-98 (deputy counsel, Maryland insurance administration, 1997-98).
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 7, 1954. Attended Gilman School, Baltimore, Maryland; Washington and Lee University, B.A. (drama), 1976; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987. Law clerk to Judge Arrie W. Davis, Baltimore City Cicuit Court, 1986-87. Law clerk to Judge Robert M. Bell, Court of Special Appeals, 1987-88. Associate, Venable, Baetjer, & Howard, 1988-90. Member, Baltimore City Bar Association. Board of Directors, Beechtree Place Community Association, Inc., 1993-. Exceptional Service Award, Office of Attorney General, 1994.
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