![[photo, John F. Slade III, District Court Judge]](/msa/mdmanual/32dc/images/1198-1-2493b.jpg)
Member, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, 1983-99; Aquaculture Advisory Committee, 1988-95; Task Force on Feasibility of Future Consolidation of State Psychiatric Hospitals, 1993-95; Task Force on Affiliation between Historic St. Mary's City Commission and St. Mary's College of Maryland, 1996; Historic St. Mary's City Commission, 1997-99. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, St. Mary's County, 2004-09. Past member, Youth Commission, St. Mary's County; Community College Advisory Board, St. Mary's County; Ethics Law Review Committee, St. Mary's County. Past member, Region II Planning Board, Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice.
Member of House of Delegates, representing District 29B (St. Mary's & Calvert counties), 1983-99. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1983-90; Appropriations Committee, 1991-99 (capital budget subcommittee; oversight committee on pensions; oversight committee on program open space & agricultural land preservation; chair, transportation & the environment committee); Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 1993-99. House Chair, Joint Audit Committee (formerly Joint Budget and Audit Committee), 1995-97. Member, Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1995-98; Special Joint Committee on Competitive Taxation and Economic Development, 1996-97; Special Committee on School Enrollment Management, 1996-97; Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, 1998-99. Past member, Legislative Council's Special Committee on Rape and Related Offenses. Chair, St. Mary's County Delegation, 1995-99.
Assistant Public Defender, St. Mary's County, 1972-74. Assistant State's Attorney, St. Mary's County, 1975-76. District Public Defender, District 4 (Calvert, Charles & St. Mary's counties), 1976-82.
Born in Leonardtown, Maryland, August 5, 1943. Attended Great Mills High School, Great Mills, Maryland; St. Mary's College of Maryland, A.A., 1964; University of Maryland, B.S. (economics), 1967; University of Baltimore School of Law, LL.B., 1969. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1970. Member, Maryland State and St. Mary's County Bar Associations. Cross Bottany Award; St. Mary's College of Maryland Alumni Award; Outstanding Young Men of America Award; Delegate of the Year, Maryland Association of Psychosocial Services. Foundation member, Zeta Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa at St. Mary's College of Maryland.
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