Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 8, Baltimore County, from February 7, 1989 to March 1, 2004. Retired March 1, 2004. Member, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1995-98. Member, Judicial Education Committee, District Court of Maryland, 1997-2004. Past member, Committee on Civil Procedures, and Administrative Judges Committee, District Court of Maryland; Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December 23, 1934. Attended Baltimore City College; University of Maryland, College Park, B.S. (business administration), 1957; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1959. Served in Maryland Air National Guard, 1959-65. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1959. Attorney, Legal Aid Bureau, 1959-60. Member, American, Maryland State and Baltimore County Bar Associations. Member, Suburban Club. Past president and coach, Wellwood Little League. Member, Ner Tamid Greenspring Valley Synagogue (board member). Married; three children, five grandchildren. Died in Towon, Maryland, November 6, 2015.
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