ROBERT SCOTT DAVIS, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 2, Wicomico County, February 3, 1989 to January 26, 2012. Retired January 26, 2012. Member, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1993-95. Member, Judicial Education Committee, 2005-12, and Committee on Civil Procedures, 2009-12, District Court of Maryland. Member, Problem-Solving Courts Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2007-08 (mental health oversight committee, 2007-08).
Former counsel to Board of Supervisors of Elections, and Board of Liquor License Commissioners, Somerset County. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Wicomico County, 2004-12.
Born in Salisbury, Maryland, July 16, 1950. Attended Washington High School, Princess Anne, Maryland; University of Maryland, B.S., 1972; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1977. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1977. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Wicomico County Bar Association. Member, Crisfield Chamber of Commerce, 1977-84; Crisfield Kiwanis Club, 1977-84 (past president). General Co-Chair, Crisfield National Hard Crab Derby, 1978, 1979. Member, Salisbury Rotary, 1991-95.
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