HARRY JOSEPH GOODRICK, SR., Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 3, Cecil County, 1988-98. Retired 1998.
Assistant State's Attorney, Cecil County, 1962-66. Trial Magistrate, Elkton, 1969-72. Assistant Public Defender, District 3 (Caroline, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot Counties), 1972-88.
Born in Euclid, Ohio, February 10, 1928. Attended Benedictine High School, Cleveland, Ohio. Served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1945-52. Ohio State University, B.A. (political science), 1955; Georgetown University Law School, LL.B., J.D., 1959. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1960. Member, American, District of Columbia, Maryland State and Cecil County Bar Associations. Past member, Maryland Trial Lawyers Association. Teacher, Board of Education, Prince George's County, 1955-59. Teacher, Board of Education, Cecil County, 1959-60. Member, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. President, Elkton Optimist Club, 1972-73. Commander, Fair Hill VFW Post #8799, 1985-88. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation.
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