PAUL J. STAKEM, District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 12, Allegany & Garrett counties, 1983 to November 30, 2004 (Associate Judge, 1981-83). Retired November 30, 2004. Member, Administrative Judges Committee, District Court of Maryland, 1983-2004. Member, Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1992-94. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Allegany County, 2004.
Deputy State's Attorney, Allegany County, 1967-71. District Public Defender, Allegany and Garrett counties, 1972-81. Chair, District Advisory Board, Public Defender System, District 12, 1982-96.
Born in Cumberland, Maryland, October 10, 1939. Attended La Salle High School, Cumberland; St. Vincent College, B.A., 1961; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1964. Order of the Coif, University of Maryland, 1964. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1964. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Allegany County Bar Association (president, 1991). Instructor (law enforcement & criminal justice), Allegany Community College, 1969-81.
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