KATHLEEN MARIE SWEENEY, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, January 27, 1989 to June 1, 2020. Retired June 1, 2020. Member, Judicial Education Committee, District Court of Maryland, 1995-97. Member, Legislative Committee, 1997-2006, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Office of Attorney General, 1976-80. Counsel to State Insurance Commissioner, 1984-89.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, October 22, 1950. Attended Notre Dame Preparatory School, Towson, Maryland; Dunbarton College of Holy Cross, B.A., 1972; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1975. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Member, Baltimore City Bar Association; National Association of Women Judges. Exceptional Service Award, Office of Attorney General.
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