MARY ELLEN T. RINEHARDT, District Administrative Judge, Baltimore City, District 1, District Court of Maryland, 1991-98 (Associate Judge, 1982-98). Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1985-98. Retired January 1, 1999.
Chair, Mayor's Coordinating Council on Domestic Violence, Baltimore City. Member, Governor's Commission on Workmen's Compensation Laws, 1981-82. Chair, Ad Hoc Committee to Implement Maryland's Domestic Violence Laws, 1982-. Member, Family Violence Council, 1995-98.
Born in Plainfield, New Jersey, August 6, 1929. Laurel, Maryland, primary and secondary schools; University of Maryland, B.A., 1950; University of Baltimore School of Law, LL.B., 1968. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1968. Member, American, Maryland State, Baltimore City and Women's Bar Associations. Member, Women's Law Center of Maryland; National Association of Women Judges. Chief of Litigation, Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., 1979-82. Member, National Organization for Women; Heuisler Honor Society. Champion of Justice, Legal Aid Bureau, 2006. Member, Cathedral Church of the Incarnation.
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