JOANN M. ELLINGHAUS-JONES, District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 10, Carroll and Howard Counties, September 20, 2001 to June 30, 2017 (Associate Judge, April 5, 1991 to June 30, 2017). Retired June 30, 2017. Member, Administrative Judges Committee, District Court of Maryland, 1999-2015. Chair, Commissioner Education Committee, District Court of Maryland, 2001-15 (member, 1995-2015). Member, Behavioral Health and Addictions Committee, Carroll County, 2004-17. Member, Court Interpretation and Translation Services Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2009-14. Member, District Court Chief Judge's Committee, 2015-17, and Education Committee, 2015 (chair, commissioner education subcommitteee, 2015), Judicial Council. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2015-17.
Attorney for Town of Manchester, 1983-90.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 11, 1956. Attended Institute of Notre Dame; Patterson Park High School, Baltimore, Maryland; Essex Community College, A.A., 1976; University of Baltimore, B.S., 1978; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1981. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1981. Law clerk to Judge Luke K. Burns, Jr., Carroll County Circuit Court, 1981-82. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Carroll County Bar Association. Member, Citizen Leadership Board, Carroll County YMCA. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2016. Board of Trustees, Carroll Lutheran School, Westminster, Maryland.
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