STEPHEN LANSDALE CLAGETT, District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 4 (Calvert, Charles & St. Mary's counties), 1996 to March 1, 2008 (Associate Judge, Calvert County, October 26, 1990 to 1996). Retired March 1, 2008. Member, Administrative Judges Committee, 1996-2008, and Commissioner Education Committee, District Court of Maryland.
Deputy State's Attorney, Calvert County, 1975-88. Court Auditor, Calvert County, 1976-90.
Born in Washington, DC, September 3, 1947. Attended Severn School; Washington College, B.A., 1969; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1973. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1973. Served in Maryland Army National Guard. Member, Maryland State and Calvert County Bar Associations. Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Award, Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, 2006.
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