RICHARD A. COOPER, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 4, Charles County, March 14, 1997 to March 1, 2009. Retired March 1, 2009. Member, Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee, 1997-2000, and Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 2001-04, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Drug Treatment Court Commission, 2002-06. Member, Drug Treatment Court Oversight Committee, 2007-09.
Assistant Public Defender, District 4, Charles County, 1978-85. Member, Ethics Commission, Charles County, 1979-85. State's Attorney, Charles County, 1985-89. Member, Adult Public Guardianship Review Board, Charles County, 1986-97; Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Charles County, 2004-09.
Born in Toledo, Ohio, July 23, 1942. Attended St. John's High School, Washington, DC; Rutgers University, B.A., 1964; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1967. Law clerk to Chief Judge Robert C. Murphy, Court of Special Appeals. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Served in U.S. Army, 1968-72 (captain; bronze star). Associate, Simpson & Simpson, 1972-74. Partner, Loyd & Cooper, 1974-85. Associate, Mudd, Mudd & Fitzgerald, 1989-97. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Charles County Bar Association (president, 1981); Maryland Bar Foundation.
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