Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


ANDREW F. WILKINSON, Associate Judge, Washington County Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, since January 10, 2020.

Member, Character Committee, State Board of Law Examiners, 2006-19.

Assistant County Attorney, Washington County, 2006-12.

Born in Agana, Guam, March 12, 1971. University of North Carolina, B.A. (economics), 1994; Emory University School of Law, J.D., 1997. Law clerk to Circuit Court, Washington County, 1997-98. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1997; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1999. Associate, Barton & Williams, 1998-2003 (partner, 2003-06). Partner, Divelbiss & Wilkinson, 2014-18 (associate, 2012-14). Sole practitioner, Wilkinson Law, 2018-19. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1998-; Washington County Bar Association, 1998- (board of directors, 2010-12); Maryland Trial Lawyers Association, 1998-2002. Board of Directors, Food Resources, Inc., 2004-12 (president, 2008-09; secretary, 2011-12); Hagerstown YMCA, 2013-18. Member, Downtown Rotary Club, 2004-10 (board of directors, 2007-08); Assembly Club, Hagertown, Maryland, 2010-13. Youth soccer coach, Hagerstown YMCA, 2008-12; Hagerstown Area Youth Soccer League, 2012-15; Hagerstown Soccer Club, 2015-. Assistant baseball coach, Maugansville Little League, 2012-14. Member, St. Ann Catholic Church, Hagerstown, Maryland, 1985-.

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