CHRISTOPHER C. FOGLEMAN, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 25, 2019. Member, Court Access and Community Relations Committee, Judicial Council, 2020-.
Assistant Public Defender, Montgomery County, 1985-88. Chair, Commission on Juvenile Justice, Montgomery County, 2013-15, 2017- (member, 2010-).
Born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, September 20, 1959. King College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, B.A. (criminal justice & psychology), 1981, magna cum laude; Washington College of Law, American University, J.D., 1984. Law clerk to Judge Calvin R. Sanders, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1984-85. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1985; District of Columbia Bar, 1989; Virginia Bar, 1990. Shareholder, Gleason, Flynn, Emig, Fogleman & McAfee, Chartered, 1996-2019 (associate, 1988-96). Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1985-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 1985- (judicial selections committee, 2002-05, 2006-09; fee dispute resolution committee, 2006-12; legal ethics committee, 2006-07); Commercial Law League of America; National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, 1990-; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association, 1998-. President, Burtonsville Athletic Association (volunteer & coach since 1993). Vice-President, Montgomery County Baseball Association (member, 2006-). Member, Men of St. John's College High School, Washington, DC, 1999-2014 (past president).
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