Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


CHRISTOPHER C. FOGLEMAN, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 25, 2019. Member, Court Access and Community Relations Committee, Judicial Council, 2020-.

Assistant Public Defender, Montgomery County, 1985-88. Chair, Commission on Juvenile Justice, Montgomery County, 2013-15, 2017- (member, 2010-).

Born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, September 20, 1959. King College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, B.A. (criminal justice & psychology), 1981, magna cum laude; Washington College of Law, American University, J.D., 1984. Law clerk to Judge Calvin R. Sanders, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1984-85. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1985; District of Columbia Bar, 1989; Virginia Bar, 1990. Shareholder, Gleason, Flynn, Emig, Fogleman & McAfee, Chartered, 1996-2019 (associate, 1988-96). Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1985-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 1985- (judicial selections committee, 2002-05, 2006-09; fee dispute resolution committee, 2006-12; legal ethics committee, 2006-07); Commercial Law League of America; National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, 1990-; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association, 1998-. President, Burtonsville Athletic Association (volunteer & coach since 1993). Vice-President, Montgomery County Baseball Association (member, 2006-). Member, Men of St. John's College High School, Washington, DC, 1999-2014 (past president).

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