Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


MARIA L. OESTERREICHER, Associate Judge, Carroll County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since December 6, 2018.

Member, Commission for Women, Howard County, 1993-95 (legislative committee).

Senior Assistant State's Attorney, Carroll County, 2001-15.

Division Director, Program Development, Child Support Administration, Department of Human Services, 2016-18.

Born in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, July 16, 1968. Howard Community College, A.A. (general studies), 1992; University of Baltimore, B.A. (jurisprudence), 1994; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1997. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1998. Associate, Kremer & Udoff, P.C., 1998-2000; Silverstein & Ostovitz, LLC, 2000-01. Sole practitioner, 2015-18. Member, American Bar Association, 1997-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1997-; Carroll County Bar Association, 2004-; Baltimore Carroll Chapter, Women's Bar Association, 2011- (board of directors, 2011-12, 2014-). Member, American Association for Justice, 1997-; Maryland Association for Justice, 1997-; Maryland State's Attorneys' Association, 2001-15 (past chair, domestic violence subcommittee; past member, legislative committee). Certificate of Outstanding Support for "Achievement Counts", Maryland Business Roundtable for Education, 2003. Certificate for Outstanding Service to Victims of Crime, State's Attorney's Office, Carroll County, 2003. Member, Bridgeway Community Church, Owings Mills, Maryland, 1998-2004; LifePoint Church, Reisterstown, Maryland, 2004-.

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