ROBERT JEFFREY THOMPSON, Associate Judge, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since October 15, 2018. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Service, 2017-.
Member, Peer Review Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission, 2012-18.
Northwest Nazarene University, B.A. (political science), 1987; St. John’s College, M.A. (philosophy), 1990. Manager, Production and Packaging Department, Capital Gazette Newspapers, 1987-2000. Law clerk to Judge Lawrence R. Daniels, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 2000-01. University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 2001. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2001; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland; U.S. Court of Appeals for Fourth Circuit. Attorney, Law Offices of J. Calvin Jenkins, Jr., 2001-10. Solo Practitioner, 2011-18. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 2017-; special committee for bar counsel selection); Anne Arundel County Bar Association; Baltimore County Bar Association (executive council, 2007-18; president, 2016-17). Life Fellow, Maryland State Bar Association. Member, James C. Cawood, Jr. Inn of Court. Cantor, Lector, and Catechist, Our Lady of the Chespeake Church, Pasadena, Maryland.
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