ROBERT K. TAYLOR, JR., Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since July 3, 2018.
Assistant Attorney General, Office of Attorney General, 2005-18 (senior counsel for forensic litigation, 2015-18). Member, Attorney Grievance Peer Review Committee, 2008-18.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 23, 1966. Towson University, B.S. (english), 1988; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1994 (class president, 1991-94). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1994; U.S. District Court, District of Maryland, 1996; U.S. Supreme Court, 2010; District of Columbia Bar, 2011. Associate, Ingerman & Horwitz, LLP, 1995-2000; Hoffman & Hoffman, P.A., 2000-05. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; District of Columbia Bar Association, 2011-; Baltimore City Bar Association, 2010-; National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, 1995-99. Member, Edward Coke Appellate Inn of Court, 2010-15. Member, American Civil Liberties Union; Steering Committee, Maryland Chapter, American Constitution Society. Board of Directors, Project PLASE (People Lacking Adequate Shelter & Employment), 1993-94. Board of Directors, Mays Chapel Townhouse Association, 2000-05. Adult literacy tutor, South Baltimore Learning Center, 2007-08. Volunteer Attorney, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Association; Voter Protection Project, 2008. National Association of Attorneys General Supreme Court Fellow, 2009. Alexander E. Cummings Award (appellate advocacy), Office of Attorney General, 2013.
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