MARY MARGARET (PEGGY) KENT, Associate Judge, Worcester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since January 19, 2018.
Domestic Relations Magistrate, Juvenile Causes Magistrate, and Fanily Magistrate, Circuit Court, First Judicial Circuit, 1996-2018. Member, Subcommittee on the Representation of Children in Children in Need of Assistance (CINA) Cases, Foster Care Court-Improvement Implementation Project, 1998-2008; Family Law Advisory Committee, Worcester County Circuit Court, 1999-2018; Juvenile Coordinating Council for Somerset County, 2001-06; Juvenile Coordinating Council for Worcester County, 2004-; Steering Committee, Juvenile Drug Court Training, Worcester County, 2005-.
Staff attorney, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1980-82.
Born in Washington, DC, March 8, 1955. Westhampton College, University of Richmond, B.A. (french; english), magna cum laude (Phi Beta Kappa), 1977; T.C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond, J.D., 1980. Admitted to Virginia Bar, 1980; Arizona Bar, 1985; Maryland Bar, 1986. Associate, Paul C. Ewell, P.A., 1986-91. Sole practioner, 1991-1996. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1986- (family & juvenile law section, 1996-; alternative dispute resolution section, 2000-); Lower Eastern Shore Chapter, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 1986-; Worcester County Bar Association, 1987- (family law advisory committee). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2004. Member, Council of Masters, 1996-2018. Member, Advisory Council, CASA of the Lower Shore, 2001-. Member, Planning Committee, Atlantic General Hospital, 2010-. Bar Leader Award, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2007. Member, St. Paul's by the Sea Episcopal Church, Ocean City, Maryland (outreach committee).
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