DANA M. MIDDLETON, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since September 19, 2017.
Assistant State’s Attorney, Baltimore City, 2004-16 (community prosecutor, 2012-13; chief attorney, city corrections investigative unit, 2013-16; team captain, major investigations unit, 2014-16).
Assistant State's Attorney, Criminal Division, Office of Attorney General, 2016-17.
Court of Appeals Mentoring Program, Maryland Professionalism Center, 2011-17. Co-Chair, Public Awareness Committee, Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force, 2016-.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December 14, 1975. Morgan State University, B.A. (political science), cum laude, 1998; George Washington University Law School, J.D., 2001. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2003. Law clerk for Judge Sheila R. Tillerson Adams, Prince George’s County Circuit Court, 2001-03. Litigation associate, Williams Worthy, LLC, 2003-04. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 2010- (leadership academy fellow, 2009-10; correctional reform section counsel, 2010-14; leadership academy committee, 2010-; membership committee, 2010-). President, Baltimore City Bar Association, 2019- (member, 2010-; co-chair, criminal law committee, 2010-13; co-chair, government & public interest law committee, 2013-15; co-chair, newsletter committee, The Barrister, 2013-14; fellow, 2015; secretary, 2015-16; treasurer, 2016-17; chair, personnel committee, 2017-18; vice-president, 2017-18); Monumental City Bar Association; Women's Bar Association, Baltimore City, 2013- (chair, diversity committee, 2013-14); Alliance of Black Women Attorneys, 2013-. Member, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter, 2001- (chapter parliamentarian, 2009-13; chair, rules of order committee, 2009-13; member, social action committee, 2010). Member, East Arlington Neighborhood Association, 2014- (secretary, 2015-). Leading Women Award, Daily Record, 2012. Presidential Award, Baltimore City Bar Association, 2014. Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2020.
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