MARK K. BOYER, Associate Judge, Washington County Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, since November 18, 2016. Standing Auditor, Washington County Circuit Court, 2015-16.
Assistant State's Attorney (part-time), Washington County, 1999-2014. Member, Juvenile Drug Court Advisory Board, Washington County, 2007-.
Born in Frederick, Maryland, August 15, 1965. West Virginia Wesleyan College, B.S. (business marketing), 1987; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1992. Law clerk to Circuit Court, Washington County, 1992-93. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1992; U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, 1993 (inactive); U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, 1993. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1993-; Washington County Bar Association, 1992- (board of directors, 1996-2006); Maryland State's Attorney's Association, 1999-2014. Partner, Nairn & Boyer, L.L.C. (formerly Urner, Nairn & Boyer, L.L.C.), 1993-2014; Salvatore & Boyer, L.L.C., 2015-16. Member, Ruritan National Jefferson Club, 1996- (citizenship & patriotism committee, 1996-; scholarship committee, 2001-). Board of Directors, Community Housing Resources, Inc., 1998-2002; Food Resources, Inc., 1998-2004; Hagerstown Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc., 2004-08. Leadership Hagerstown, Class XII, 1998-99. Member, Washington County Republican Central Committee, 1998-2005 (chair, 2002-03). Member, Curriculum Advisory Board, Criminal Justice Program, Kaplan University, 2005-10.
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