RICHARD SANDY, Associate Judge, Frederick County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since June 30, 2016.
Family Magistrate, Circuit Court, Frederick County, 2007-16. Member, Commission on Child Custody Decision Making, 2013-14. Member, Domestic Law Committee, 2015-, and Juvenile Justice Subcommittee, Juvenile Law Committee, Judicial Council, 2016-.
Born in Bethesda, Maryland, May 27, 1964. Denison University, B.A. (psychology), cum laude, 1986; Washington and Lee University, J.D., 1989. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1989. Associate, Law Offices of Stephen L. Lefebvre, Esq., 1989-91. Partner, Lefebvre & Sandy, 1991-93. President/owner, Law Offices of Richard Sandy, PC, 1994-2007. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1992-; Frederick County Bar Association, 1992- (president, 2006). Chair, Board of Directors, Frederick County Chapter, American Red Cross, 1998. Vice-Chair, Board of Directrors, Jeanne Bussard Center, 2003. Board of Directors, Frederick County Chapter, Hospice. Volunteer of the Year, Frederick County Chapter, American Red Cross, 1994. Edward F. Shea Professionalism Award, Maryland State Bar Association, 1997. James McSherry Memorial Award, Frederick County Bar Association, 2007. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2007. Making It Happen Award, Department of Family Administration, Administrative Office of the Courts, 2011. Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2012. Community Partnership Award, Child Welfare League of America, 2013. Jerome Offutt Award, Frederick County Bar Association, 2013.
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