KEVIN J. MAHONEY, Associate Judge, Harford County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, since January 4, 2016.
Civil Mediator, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 2005-06; Harford County District Court, 2005-07.
Member, Peer Review Panel, Attorney Grievance Commission. Member, Economic Development Commission, Town of Bel Air, 1994-2000; Cable Network Advisory Board, Harford County, 1996-2000; Drug Abuse Prevention Citizens Advisory Board, Harford County Public Schools, 1996-2002; Economic Development Advisory Board, Harford County, 2013-15.
Born in Denver, Colorado, April 14, 1961. Attended Joppatowne High School, Joppa, Maryland; University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (government & politics), 1983; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1987. Law clerk to Judge William R. Buchanan, Sr., Baltimore County Circuit Court, 1986-87. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987. Associate, Leaf & Hertsch, 1987-89; Cook, Howard, Downs & Tracey, 1989; Michael E. Leaf, P.A., 1989-90. Partner, Leaf, Mahoney & McCarthy, P.A., 1990-91; Leaf & Mahoney, P.A., 1992-99; Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A., 1999-2001; Gessner, Snee, Mahoney & Lutche, P.A., 2001-12; Snee, Mahoney, Lutche & Helmlinger, P.A, 2013-15. Member, American Bar Association, 1987-98; Maryland State Bar Association, 1988-; Harford County Bar Association, 1988- (executive committee, 1994-96; secretary, 1995). Member, Harford County Bar Foundation, 1998-2006; Maryland Association for Justice, 2000-; Susquehanna Law Club, 2009-. Vice-Chair, Upper Chesapeake Health Foundation, 1991-98 (member, 1990-2000). President, Albert P. Close Foundation, 2001-05. Board of Directors, Steppingstone Museum, 1993-2003 (president, 2002-03). Harford County Swim League official, 1995- (head official, 2002-04). Maryland Swimming Official, 2000-08. Lacrosse referee, Baltimore Board of Women's Sports, 2009-15: Harford/Cecil Women's Officials Organization, 2009- (treasurer, 2014-). Certificates of Appreciation, Harford County Bar Association, 1992-2010. Certificate of Appreciation, Harford County District Court, 2005, 2006. Member, St. Margaret's Roman Catholic Church, Bel Air, Maryland, 1988-.
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