STEPHEN H. KEHOE, County Administrative Judge, Talbot County Circuit Court, 2nd Judicial Circuit, since September 30, 2014. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Talbot County, 2014-. Circuit Representative, 2nd Judicial Circuit, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2017-.
Mentor, Court of Appeals Mentoring Program, 2011-12. Member, Aging Lawyers Subcommittee, Maryland Professionalism Center, 2013. Board of Trustees, Office of Public Defender, 2013-14.
Member, Talbot County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Committee, 1988-93. Town Attorney, Trappe, 1995-98; Centreville, 2004-14; Denton, 2009-13. Attorney, Easton Board of Zoning Appeals, 1989-93; Department of Social Services, Talbot County, 1995-99. Attorney, Board of Zoning Appeals, Queen Anne's County, 2004-14.
Born in Washington, DC, September 10, 1958. Duke University, A.B. (english), 1980; Franklin Thomas Backus School of Law, Case Western Reserve University, J.D., 1986. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1986. Partner, Ewing, Dietz, Turner & Kehoe, P.A., 1991-2002 (associate, 1986-90); Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kehoe, P.A., 2002-14. Member, American Bar Association, 1987-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1986-; Talbot County Bar Association, 1987- (secretary-treasurer, 1990-96; president, 2014-15). Chair, Talbot County Democratic Central Committee, 1994-2002. Executive Committee, Maryland Democratic Party, 1994-2002. President, Talbot County Community Housing Resource Board, 1989-92. President, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Upper Shore, Inc., 1992 (member, 1990-93); Kidworks, Inc., 1993. Board of Directors, Talbot County Family Support Center, Inc., 1996-2006 (president, 2002). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2006-. Board of Directors, Mid-Shore Mental Health Systems, Inc., 2008- (regional advisory committe, 2003-07; president, 2011-14). Board of Directors, Eastern Shore Title Company. President, Charlestown Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Award, Talbot County Family Support Center, 2005.
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