Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


STEPHEN H. KEHOE, County Administrative Judge, Talbot County Circuit Court, 2nd Judicial Circuit, since September 30, 2014. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Talbot County, 2014-. Circuit Representative, 2nd Judicial Circuit, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2017-.

Mentor, Court of Appeals Mentoring Program, 2011-12. Member, Aging Lawyers Subcommittee, Maryland Professionalism Center, 2013. Board of Trustees, Office of Public Defender, 2013-14.

Member, Talbot County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Committee, 1988-93. Town Attorney, Trappe, 1995-98; Centreville, 2004-14; Denton, 2009-13. Attorney, Easton Board of Zoning Appeals, 1989-93; Department of Social Services, Talbot County, 1995-99. Attorney, Board of Zoning Appeals, Queen Anne's County, 2004-14.

Born in Washington, DC, September 10, 1958. Duke University, A.B. (english), 1980; Franklin Thomas Backus School of Law, Case Western Reserve University, J.D., 1986. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1986. Partner, Ewing, Dietz, Turner & Kehoe, P.A., 1991-2002 (associate, 1986-90); Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kehoe, P.A., 2002-14. Member, American Bar Association, 1987-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1986-; Talbot County Bar Association, 1987- (secretary-treasurer, 1990-96; president, 2014-15). Chair, Talbot County Democratic Central Committee, 1994-2002. Executive Committee, Maryland Democratic Party, 1994-2002. President, Talbot County Community Housing Resource Board, 1989-92. President, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Upper Shore, Inc., 1992 (member, 1990-93); Kidworks, Inc., 1993. Board of Directors, Talbot County Family Support Center, Inc., 1996-2006 (president, 2002). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2006-. Board of Directors, Mid-Shore Mental Health Systems, Inc., 2008- (regional advisory committe, 2003-07; president, 2011-14). Board of Directors, Eastern Shore Title Company. President, Charlestown Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Award, Talbot County Family Support Center, 2005.

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