Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


MARGARET M. SCHWEITZER, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 5, 2018. Vice-Chair, Court Technology Committee, Judicial Council, 2018- (member, 2015-; chair, casesearch & data request subcommittee, 2015-).

Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, March 21, 2014 to January 5, 2018.

Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1984-2014 (director of professional development & post-conviction remedies, 2004-07; chief, district court division, 2007-12; major crimes felony trial unit, 2012-14).

Born in Olney, Maryland, August 25, 1958. University of Maryland College Park, B.A. (criminology), cum laude, 1980; School of Law, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, J.D., 1983. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1983 (inactive). Law clerk to Judge John F. McAuliffe, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1983-84. Member, Montgomery County Bar Association, 1983- (executive committee, 2012-13; nominations & elections committee, 2010); Montgomery County Chapter, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2008- (executive committee, 2008-11; president, 2012-13, president-elect, 2017). Master of the Bench, Montgomery County Chapter, American Inn of Court, 2006 (co-group pupilage leader, 2006-08; executive committee, 2009-; program co-chair, 2010-13). Member, University of Maryland Chapter, Omicron Delta Kappa, 1979-. Member, Parent Teacher Student Association, Richard Montgomery High School, Rockville, Maryland, 2007-. Prosecutor of the Year Award, Special Investigative Division, Montgomery County Police Department, 2005. Community Service Award, Drawing the Line on Under 21 Alcohol Use Coalition, 2009. Outstanding Innovative Law Enforcement Award, Maryland Impaired Driving Coalition, 2011. Bar Leader, Montgomery County Bar Foundation, 2013. Member, St. Martin's Catholic Church, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1958-.

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