SPYROS JAMES SARBANES, County Administrative Judge, Wicomico County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since October 1, 2015 (Associate Judge, since March 21, 2014). Member, Legislative Committee, 2017-, and Major Project Executive Steering Committee of Court Technology Committee, 2018-, Judicial Council.
Member, Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Judicial Process, 2002-04.
Born in Salisbury, Maryland, August 1, 1970. Salisbury University, B.S., 1993; Widener University School of Law, J.D., 1999. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1999. Law clerk to Judge Daniel M. Long, Somerset County Circuit Court, 1999-2000; Judge Dale R. Cathell, Court of Appeals, 2000-02. Associate, Adkins, Potts and Smethurst, LLP, 2002-05. Partner, Laws & Sarbanes, P.A. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1999- (construction law section; real property section); Wicomico County Bar Association, 2003-. President, Life Crisis Center, 2006-07 (member, 2004-10). Board of Directors, Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, 2008-10 (member, 2005-). Member, Wicomico County Optimist Club, 2002- (vice-president, 2005); Salisbury Elks Club, 2011-. Baseball coach, Naamans Little League, 1994; Delaware American Legion Baseball, 1995; Optimist Little League, 2000; Fruitland Little League, 2011-; Man Up Baseball, 2012-. Member, Trinity United Methodist Church, 1980-.
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