FRED SCOTT HECKER, County Administrative Judge, Carroll County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since February 1, 2019 (Associate Judge, Jan. 3, 2014 to Jan. 31, 2019). Presiding Judge, Drug Treatment Court since December 2015. Member, Domestic Law Committee, 2016-19, and Joint Work Group on Human Trafficking, 2016-, Judicial Council. Chair, Court Technology Committee, 2019- (member, 2016-; member, major project steering committee, 2019-), Judicial Council.
Panel attorney, Office of Public Defender, 1994-2013. Member, State Citizens Review Board for Children, 2004-06.
Settlement Officer (formerly settlement conference master), Circuit Court, Carroll County, 1997-2013. Board of Directors, Department of Social Services, Carroll County, 1997-2006 (chair, 2004-05). Chair, Local Pro Bono Committee, Carroll County, 2003-. Member, Local Management Board, Carroll County, 2007-13.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 5, 1960. Gettysburg College, B.A. (political science), 1982; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987. Partner, MacDonald & Hecker, P.A., 1994-2003; Miller & Truhe, LLC, 2004-05; Miller & Hecker, LLC, 2005-13. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1987- (committee on resolution of fee disputes, 2005-); Baltimore City Bar Association, 1987-93; Carroll County Bar Association, 1995- (chair, family law section, 2009-11). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2003-. Volunteer attorney, Carroll County Family Law Courthouse Advice Project, 1995-. Board of Directors, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, 2004- (vice-president, 2013). Board of Directors, Flying Colors of Success, Inc., 2004-. Past president, Deer Park Lions Club. Settlement Conference Master Award, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2001-02. Professional Legal Excellence Award for the Advancement of Public Service Responsibility, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2007. Lee A. Caplan Award for Longstanding Commitment to Pro Bono and Ensuring Equal Access to Justice, Pro Bono Resource Center, 2013.
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