Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


JEFFREY MICHAEL GELLER, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since May 18, 2012.

Assistant Public Defender, Baltimore City, 1999-2002 (juvenile court division, 1999-2000; district court division, 2000-02; misdemeanor jury trial division, 2000-02; appellate division, 2002).

Born in Livingston, New Jersey, December 29, 1971. Franklin and Marshall College, B.A. (history), 1994; Washington College of Law, The American University, J.D., 1997. Law clerk to Judge Frederick D. Dorsey, Superior Court of the District of Columbia, 1997-98. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1997. Associate, Shapiro, Sher, Guinot & Sandler, 2002-04. Principal, Miles & Stockbridge, 2008-12 (associate, 2004-07). Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1997- (family & juvenile law section; litigation law section); Baltimore City Bar Association, 1999- (bench/bar committee, 2011-); Baltimore County Bar Association, 2004-; Sobeloff Jewish Law Society, 2010- (continuing legal education committee, 2010-). Board of Directors, Jewish National Fund, Mid-Atlantic Zone, 2004. Vice-President, Board of Directors, Homeland Community Foundation, 2005-10. Volunteer, Homeland Citizens on Patrol, 2005-. Leadership Baltimore County, 2009. Board of Directors, Ronald McDonald House, 2009-10. Volunteer coach, Roland Park Baseball League, 2011-. Member, Parks and People Foundation, 2011- (events committee, 2011-). Author, "The Impact of Recent Double Jeopardy Decisions on Federal Agencies," 10 Admin. L.J. Am. U. 327 (1996). Award of Merit, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2007. Herbert S. Garten Special Project Award, Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, 2007. Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center, Inc., 2010. Member, Temple Oheb Shalom, 1999- (religious practices committee, 2011-).

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