M. ELIZABETH BOWEN, Associate Judge, Harford County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, since January 27, 2012.
Assistant State's Attorney, Harford County, 1982-2012 (supervisor, district court division, 2000-12). Member, Environmental Advisory Board, Harford County, 1999- (chair, 2004-).
Born in Annapolis, Maryland, January 1, 1957. College of William and Mary, B.A. (english & history), 1978 (phi beta kappa); University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1981. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1981. Law clerk to Judge Audrey E. Melbourne, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 1981-82. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1981-86; Harford County Bar Association, 1982- (past treasurer); Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 1981-82; National District Attorneys' Association, 1982-; Maryland State's Attorneys' Association, 1982-. Chair, Board of Directors, Harford County Child Advocacy Center, 1993-. Chair, Board of Directors, Court-Appointed Special Advocate of Harford County, 1994 (member, 1995-99). Member, Rock Spring Swim Club, 1999-2008. Board of Trustees, Harford Day School, 2003- (chair, diversity committee, 2010-). Member, Upper School Task Force, Harford Friends School, 2006-07. Distinguished Service Award, Harford County Child Advocacy Center, 2004. Member, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Prince Frederick, Maryland, 1957-81; Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Bel Air, Maryland, 1994-.
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