Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


ANNE KORBEL ALBRIGHT, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 19, 2012. Member, Juvenile Law Committee, 2015- (chair, foster care court improvement program subcommittee, 2017-), and Court Operations Committee, Judicial Council, 2017-.

Assistant Public Defender, Montgomery County, 1989-91. Member, Character Committee, 7th Appellate Circuit, State Board of Law Examiners, 2004-; Criminal Justice Act Felony Panel, U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 2005-; Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission, 11th Commission District, 2007-11. Member, Commission on Child Care, Montgomery County, 2009- (co-chair, public policy committee, 2010-).

Born in Garden City, New York, June 17, 1961. Dartmouth College, A.B. (history/economics), 1983 (varsity ice hockey, 1979-83); Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., cum laude, 1987 (managing editor, american criminal law review, 1986-87). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987; District of Columbia Bar, 1991; Washington Bar, 1991. Law clerk to Judge Norman P. Ramsey, U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1987-88. Associate, Kramon & Graham, 1988-89. Staff attorney, Office of Public Defender, Snohomish County, Washington, 1991-92; The Defender Association, Seattle, Washington, 1992-95. Partner, Albright & Rhodes, L.L.C., 1996-2012. Member, American Bar Association, 1987-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1988- (criminal law & practice section; family & juvenile law section; committee on public awareness, 1998-2002, co-chair, 2000-01; solo & small firm section council, 2000-04); Washington State Bar Association, 1991-; District of Columbia Bar Association, 1991-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 1996- (mentor, mentor-mentee program, 2000-01; member, fee dispute resolution committee, 2000-05; civility ad hoc committee, 2001-02; executive committee, 2002-04; ethics committee, 2003-05; co-chair, criminal law section, 2004-05); Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 1996- (committee on judicial selections, 1998-99); National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, 1991-; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 1991-. Member, Montgomery County Inns of Court; Simon E. Sobeloff Jewish Law Society, 2011-. Member, National Cathedral School Alumni Association, 1999-2003 (chair, alumni annual giving & alumni association executive board). Volunteer, Montgomery County Family Law Pro Se Project, 2000. Board of Trustees, The Harbor School, Bethesda, 2001-09. Board of Visitors, William Jewett Tucker Foundation, Dartmouth College, 2004-05. Board of Trustees, Alicia Patterson Foundation, 2007-. Co-Chair, Development Committee, Finding Justice Project, 2009-. Board of Trustees, McLean School of Maryland, 2010-. Secretary/Treasurer, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2011- (board of directors, 2006-11). Member, USA Hockey, 2009-.

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