ANNE KORBEL ALBRIGHT, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 19, 2012. Member, Juvenile Law Committee, 2015- (chair, foster care court improvement program subcommittee, 2017-), and Court Operations Committee, Judicial Council, 2017-.
Assistant Public Defender, Montgomery County, 1989-91. Member, Character Committee, 7th Appellate Circuit, State Board of Law Examiners, 2004-; Criminal Justice Act Felony Panel, U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 2005-; Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission, 11th Commission District, 2007-11. Member, Commission on Child Care, Montgomery County, 2009- (co-chair, public policy committee, 2010-).
Born in Garden City, New York, June 17, 1961. Dartmouth College, A.B. (history/economics), 1983 (varsity ice hockey, 1979-83); Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., cum laude, 1987 (managing editor, american criminal law review, 1986-87). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987; District of Columbia Bar, 1991; Washington Bar, 1991. Law clerk to Judge Norman P. Ramsey, U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1987-88. Associate, Kramon & Graham, 1988-89. Staff attorney, Office of Public Defender, Snohomish County, Washington, 1991-92; The Defender Association, Seattle, Washington, 1992-95. Partner, Albright & Rhodes, L.L.C., 1996-2012. Member, American Bar Association, 1987-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1988- (criminal law & practice section; family & juvenile law section; committee on public awareness, 1998-2002, co-chair, 2000-01; solo & small firm section council, 2000-04); Washington State Bar Association, 1991-; District of Columbia Bar Association, 1991-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 1996- (mentor, mentor-mentee program, 2000-01; member, fee dispute resolution committee, 2000-05; civility ad hoc committee, 2001-02; executive committee, 2002-04; ethics committee, 2003-05; co-chair, criminal law section, 2004-05); Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 1996- (committee on judicial selections, 1998-99); National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, 1991-; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 1991-. Member, Montgomery County Inns of Court; Simon E. Sobeloff Jewish Law Society, 2011-. Member, National Cathedral School Alumni Association, 1999-2003 (chair, alumni annual giving & alumni association executive board). Volunteer, Montgomery County Family Law Pro Se Project, 2000. Board of Trustees, The Harbor School, Bethesda, 2001-09. Board of Visitors, William Jewett Tucker Foundation, Dartmouth College, 2004-05. Board of Trustees, Alicia Patterson Foundation, 2007-. Co-Chair, Development Committee, Finding Justice Project, 2009-. Board of Trustees, McLean School of Maryland, 2010-. Secretary/Treasurer, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2011- (board of directors, 2006-11). Member, USA Hockey, 2009-.
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