Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


WILLIAM R. NICKLAS, JR., Associate Judge, Frederick County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 27, 2012. Member, Family Law Committee, 2012-14, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-.

Assistant State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1977-79. Former panel chair, Health Claims Arbitration Office. Former member, Inquiry Panels, Attorney Grievance Commission. Member, Task Force on Domestic Violence, Frederick County, 1978-79; Addictions and Emergency Services Committee, Health Systems Agency, 1982-84. Chair, Labor Relations Panel, City of Frederick, 2010-12.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 16, 1951. Davidson College, B.A., 1973; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1976. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Partner, Elliot & Nicklas, 1978-79, 1983-87; Elliot, Nicklas & Castle, 1979-83; Elliot, Nicklas, Edmonston & Severn, P.A., 1987-88; Elliot, Nicklas & Edmonston, P.A., 1988-90; Doherty, Elliot, Nicklas & deMoll, P.A., 1990-92; Doherty, Elliot & Nicklas, P.A., 1990, 1992-94; Doherty, Nicklas & Prete, P.A., 1994-99; Nicklas & Prete, P.A., 1999-2000; Nicklas, Prete & Sinton, P.A., 2000-04; Nicklas & Sinton, P.A., 2004-12. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1976- (negligence, insurance & workers' compensation section); Frederick County Bar Association, 1977-; Maryland Association for Justice (formerly Maryland Trial Lawyers Association). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation. Member, Frederick Jaycees, 1978-85 (past state director, vice-president, president); Rotary Club of Frederick, 2004-06; Rotary Club of Carroll Creek, 2006-. Den Leader, Braddock Heights Cub Scout Pack no. 278, 1987-89, 1991-93.

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