WILLIAM R. NICKLAS, JR., Associate Judge, Frederick County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since January 27, 2012. Member, Family Law Committee, 2012-14, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-.
Assistant State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1977-79. Former panel chair, Health Claims Arbitration Office. Former member, Inquiry Panels, Attorney Grievance Commission. Member, Task Force on Domestic Violence, Frederick County, 1978-79; Addictions and Emergency Services Committee, Health Systems Agency, 1982-84. Chair, Labor Relations Panel, City of Frederick, 2010-12.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 16, 1951. Davidson College, B.A., 1973; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1976. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Partner, Elliot & Nicklas, 1978-79, 1983-87; Elliot, Nicklas & Castle, 1979-83; Elliot, Nicklas, Edmonston & Severn, P.A., 1987-88; Elliot, Nicklas & Edmonston, P.A., 1988-90; Doherty, Elliot, Nicklas & deMoll, P.A., 1990-92; Doherty, Elliot & Nicklas, P.A., 1990, 1992-94; Doherty, Nicklas & Prete, P.A., 1994-99; Nicklas & Prete, P.A., 1999-2000; Nicklas, Prete & Sinton, P.A., 2000-04; Nicklas & Sinton, P.A., 2004-12. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1976- (negligence, insurance & workers' compensation section); Frederick County Bar Association, 1977-; Maryland Association for Justice (formerly Maryland Trial Lawyers Association). Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation. Member, Frederick Jaycees, 1978-85 (past state director, vice-president, president); Rotary Club of Frederick, 2004-06; Rotary Club of Carroll Creek, 2006-. Den Leader, Braddock Heights Cub Scout Pack no. 278, 1987-89, 1991-93.
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