JANE CAIRNS MURRAY, Associate Judge, Cecil County Circuit Court, 2nd Judicial Circuit, since October 17, 2011. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Service, 2009- (chair, cecil county pro bono committee, 2002-11). Member, Juvenile Law Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-19.
Attorney, Domestic Violence Program, Elkton, 1988-90. Deputy District Public Defender, Cecil County, 1992-2004 (assistant public defender, 1988-90). Member, Commission for Women, Cecil County, 1998-2006. Domestic Relations Master, Cecil County Circuit Court, 2006-11.
Attended Elkton High School, Elkton, Maryland; The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio, B.A. (english), 1982; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987. Attorney, Law Offices of Leonard E. Wilson, 1987-90. Sole practitioner, 2004-06. Member, Cecil County Bar Association, 1988-; Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 1997-2001, 2004-; Maryland State Bar Association, 2002- (board of governors, 2002-04, 2006-11; local & specialty bar committee, 2005-). Member, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association, 1991-95; Susquehanna Law Club, 2001-. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2007. Board of Directors, Upper Chesapeake Watershed Association, 1984-2000. Member, Women's College Club of Cecil County, 1986-98 (secretary, 1992-95). Board of Directors, Meeting Ground, 1993-2003, 2006-07. Participant, National MS Society Bike to the Bay, 1999-. Volunteer, Settlement House, 2003-. Co-Chair, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, 2003-04 (participant, 1997-2006). Member, YMCA of Cecil County, Inc., 2005-06. Vice-President, Elkton Alliance, 2006 (member, 2004-06). Member, Rotary International, 2009-. Head of Mission trip to New Orleans, Head of Christiana Presbyterian Church, Newark, Delaware, 2007. Member, Cecil's Own Pipe and Drum Band.
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