BRIAN D. SHOCKLEY, County Administrative Judge, Worcester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since August 6, 2017 (Associate Judge, January 27, 2011 to August 6, 2017). Circuit Representative, 1st Judicial Circuit, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2017-.
Assistant State's Attorney, Worcester County, 1995-98.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, June 26, 1965. Davidson College, B.A., 1987; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1992 (member, University of Baltimore Law Review, 1991-92). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1992. Law clerk to Judge Leonard S. Jacobson, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 1991-92. Associate, Morrow & Hassani, 1992-95. Attorney, 1995-2000, and Partner, 2001-11, Williams, Morre, Shockley & Harrison, LLP. Board of Directors, Peninsula Regional Medical Center; Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, 2008-11.
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