DANIEL W. POWELL, County Administrative Judge, Somerset County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since September 1, 2017.
State's Attorney, Somerset County, January 3, 2011 to September 1, 2017 (Deputy State's Attorney, 2005-07). Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Somerset County, 2011-; Cease Fire Council, 2016-17.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County, 2001-03. Assistant State's Attorney, Dorchester County, 2010.
County Administrator, Somerset County, 2007-09.
Born in Salisbury, Maryland, 1974. Attended Pocomoke High School, Pocomoke City, Maryland; U.S. Military Academy, West Point, 1991-93; Salisbury University, B.A. (political science), 1995. Served in Maryland Army National Guard, 1994-95; U.S. Army, 1995-98; U.S. Army Reserve, 1998-2003; Maryland Defense Force, Judge Advocate Corps, 2007-16. University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 2001. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2001. Attorney. Associate, Bodie, Nagle, Dolina, Smith & Hobbs, P.A., Towson, Maryland, 2003-05. Sole practitioner, 2009-10. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 2001-; Baltimore County Bar Association, 2003-; Somerset County Bar Association, 2005-. Vice-President, Maryland State's Attorney's Association, 2011-. Member, American Legion Post no. 94, Princess Anne, 2005-. Vice-Chair, Somerset County Historical Trust, 2007-. Chair, Somerset County 350th Anniversary Celebration Committee, 2015-16. Married.
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