YOLANDA A. TANNER, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since August 27, 2010. Presiding Judge, Juvenile Drug Court, since April 2014.
Supervising Attorney, Legal Services Division, Department of Social Services, Baltimore City, 1996-2004 (staff attorney, 1994-96). Master for Juvenile Causes, Circuit Court, Baltimore City, 2004-10. Attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; University of Maryland Baltimore County, B.A. (economics), 1980; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1991 (moot court board, 1990; trial team, 1991). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1991; U.S. District Court of Maryland, 1992; U.S. Court of Appeals for Fourth Circuit, 1992. Law clerk to Susan M. Marzetta, Equity Master, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1991-92. Law clerk to Judge James F. Schneider, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 1992. Staff attorney, Legal Aid Bureau, 1993-94. Board of Trustees, National Lutheran Home, 1993-95. Vice-President, Delaware-Maryland Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 2007- (council member, 1997-2001; mission through congregations team, 2001-04; bishop's task force on youth substance abuse; chair, reference & counsel committee, 2001-04). Board of Directors, Coalition of Lutherans Advancing in Ministry. Author, "One Family - One Master: Docketing in Juvenile Court", Maryland Bar Journal (vol. 42, no. 3), 2009.
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