CYNTHIA CALLAHAN, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since June 29, 2009. Member, Family Law Committee, 2010-14 (child support subcommittee, 2005-14; custody subcommittee, 2006-14), Maryland Judicial Conference. Chair, Commission on Child Custody Decision Making, 2013-14. Chair, Domestic Law Committee, Judicial Council, 2017- (member, 2015-). Member, Children's Justice Act Committee, 2017-.
St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, B.A., cum laude, 1977; Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America, J.D., 1981. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1981; District of Columbia Bar, 1982. Law clerk & litigation associate, Donovan & Nash, 1980-83. Associate, Brodsky, Greenblatt & Renehan, 1983-90 (partner, 1990-91). Sole practitioner, 1992-94. Partner, Dragga & Callahan, 1994-99. Managing Partner, Dragga, Callahan, Hannon, Hessler & Wills, LLP, 1999-2009. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1982- (chair, family & juvenile law section council, 2008-09; member, task force on small firm & solo practitioners, 1992-96; solo & small practice section council, 1996-97); Montgomery County Bar Association, 1981- (member, young lawyers section council, 1981-82; fee arbitration committee, 1984-87; pro bono committee, 1996-99; executive committee, 2001-03); Women's Bar Association of Maryland, Montgomery County Chapter, 1988-. Founding member, Collaborative Divorce Association, Inc. (executive committee, 2004-07). President, Montgomery Inn, American Inns of Court, 2006-07. Instructor, Maryland Institute for Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers, Inc., 1992-. Co-author, Fader's Maryland Family Law, 2007-. Life Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation. Fellow, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Outstanding Service to the Bar Association Award, Montgomery County Bar Association, 2003. Governor's Volunteer Service Award, 2006. Marriott Spirit to Serve Award, 2006. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2007, 2009, 2011 (Circle of Excellence). Top 50 Lawyers in Maryland, Baltimore Magazine, 2008. Beverly Groner Award, Family Law Section, Maryland State Bar Association, 2015. Brownie Troop Leader, 1993-95. Member, Christ Episcopal Church (vestry member, 1998-2001; junior warden, 2007-).
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