Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


LAWRENCE P. FLETCHER-HILL, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since March 6, 2009. Judge-in-Charge, Civil Division, since January 1, 2018. Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Sentencing Alternatives, Re-Entry, and Best Practices, 2010-12. Member, Court Operations Committee, 2015-16 (chair, jury use & management subcommittee, 2015-16), Judicial Council.

Assistant Attorney General, Massachusetts Office of Attorney General, 1987-90. Assistant Attorney General, Maryland Office of Attorney General, 1990-2000 (deputy chief of litigation, 1994-96; chief of litigation, 1996-2000). Member, Peer Review Committee, Attorney Grievance Commission, 2003-09.

Born in Mexico City, Mexico, April 8, 1958. Attended Indiana University, 1976 (indiana university marching hundred); Princeton University, A.B. (english literature), 1981 (princeton university opera theater, 1978-81); Yale Law School, J.D., 1984 (editor, law journal, 1982-83; danbury prison project, 1983-84). Law clerk to Judge Rya W. Zobel, U.S. District Court for District of Massachusetts, 1984-85. Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1985; New York Bar, 1986; Maryland Bar, 1990; Pennsylvania Bar, 1992. Associate, Choate, Hall & Stewart, 1985-87. Chair, Litigation Practice Group, Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & Hollander, LLC, 2001-09. Member, American Bar Association, 1987-; Federal Bar Association, 2004-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1998- (litigation law section); Baltimore City Bar Association, 2000- (judicial selections committee, 2000-02; bench & bar committee, 2008-). Author, "High Court Addresses Class Actions, Abusive Discharge, Partnership Dissolution", The National Law Journal, (Sept. 8, 2000); "Moving Mountains of Paper with Federal Rule of Evidence 1006," Trial Practice Journal (ABA section of litigation, fall 2005). Board of Directors, Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce, 2003-06. Coach, Mt. Washington Soccer Club, 2000-05, 2007. Treasurer, Mt. Washington Swimming Club, 2006-. C. LaRue Munson Prize, Yale Law School, 1984. Exceptional Service Award, Office of Attorney General, 1995. Best Lawyers in America, Commercial Litigation Law, 2009. Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2020. Elder, Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1992-98, 2005-.

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