Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


VIDETTA A. BROWN, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since February 16, 2010. Member, Commission on Child Custody Decision Making, 2013-14.

Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, June 6, 2008 to February 16, 2010. Member, Domestic Violence Subcommittee, Family Law Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference.

Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1989-2008 (juvenile division, 1989-91; misdemeanor unit, 1991-95; narcotics division, 1995-96; domestic violence coordinator, 1996-97; director, domestic violence unit, 1997-2003; chief, domestic violence division, 2003-08).

Born in Dante, Virginia, February 9, 1957. North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, B.A. (speech & theatre arts), 1979; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1988. Law clerk to Judge Mabel Houze Hubbard, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1988-89. Member, Monumental City Bar Association, 2001-03; Maryland State Bar Association, 2003-04; Baltimore City Bar Association, 2005-; Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2007-. Adjunct instructor, Baltimore City Community College, 1990-2007; University of Maryland School of Law, 2001-; American Prosecutors Research Institute, 2001-; National District Attorneys Association, 2003-. Member, Executive Board, Jordan Taylor Brown Foundation, 2007-. Mentor, Law Related Education Program, Lake Clifton Eastern High School, Baltimore, 2000-02. Board member, Payne Memorial Outreach, Inc., 2001-03. Office of Steward, Payne Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1997-2003 (new member instructor, 1994-98; member, sisters in spirit mentoring program, 1994-99). Editor, GYE NAME (educational quarterly newsletter for West African ministry), 1988-92. Public relations & creative writing consultant, Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1983-88. Women in Service Award, Maryland Lt. Governor, 2001. Certificate of Merit, National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1999.

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