Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


NICHOLAS E. RATTAL, Associate Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since December 20, 2007. Presiding Judge, Adult Drug Court, 2010-. Chair, Problem-Solving Courts Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2014 (member, 2011-14). Chair, Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-.

Attorney, Office of Public Defender, District 5 (Prince George's County), 1987-2007 (law clerk, 1986-87; supervising attorney, felony trial division). Member, Council on Jury Use and Management, 1999-2000. Chair, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Prince George's County, 2010-.

Born in Washington, DC, April 27, 1961. University of Maryland, B.A. (government & politics), summa cum laude, 1983; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1986. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1986. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1987-92, 2006- (board of governors, 2011-). President, Prince George's County Bar Association, 2009-11 (member, 1987-; board of directors, 2004-; secretary, 2007-08; treasurer, 2008-09; maryland state bar association liaison, 2011-; chair, nominations & elections committee, 2011-; past co-chair, criminal law committee). Volunteer mock trial coach, Elizabeth Seton High School, 1996-2005. Board of Directors, Community Legal Services of Prince George's County, Inc., 2007-08. Assistant Public Defender of the Year, Prince George's County, 1994. William W. Cahill Award, Office of Public Defender, 2004. President's Award, Prince George's County Bar Association, 2007.

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