CHERYL A. McCALLY, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since March 5, 2010. Member, Foster Care Court-Improvement Implementation Committee, 2012-15 (chair, representation, practice & procedures subcommittee, 2012-15). Member, Foster Care Court Improvement Program Subcommittee of Juvenile Law Committee, Judicial Council, 2016-.
Associate Judge, Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of Maryland, June 12, 2006 to March 5, 2010. Member, Committee on Criminal and Motor Vehicle Matters, District Court of Maryland, 2009-10.
Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1985-2000. Member, State Board of Physicians, 2003-06.
Born in Bethesda, Maryland, August 21, 1954. Montgomery College, A.A. (legal secretarial sciences), 1976. The American University, B.S. (administration of justice), 1980; Pepperdine University School of Law, J.D., 1983. Law clerk to Judge Richard B. Latham, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1983-84. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983; District of Columbia Bar, 1985. Partner, McCally & Hall, P.C., 2000-06. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1983-88, 2000- (estate & trust law section; family & juvenile law section); District of Columbia Bar Association; Montgomery County Bar Association, 1983-; District of Columbia Bar Association, 1985-; Montgomery Chapter, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2000- (president, 2008-09); Maryland Association for Justice (formerly Maryland Trial Lawyers Association), 2000-. Bencher member, American Inn of Court, Montgomery Chapter, 2002- (executive committee, 2004-). Member, National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, 1996-. Boundary Committee, Montgomery County Public Schools, 2000. Germantown Leadership Forum, 2004-. Parent volunteer in local school system, 1998-. Notary Public, 1977-2006. Member, Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, 2003-. Commendation, Montgomery County Police Department, 1993, 1998.
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