CRYSTAL DIXON MITTELSTAEDT, Associate Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since December 13, 2007.
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, August 11, 2005 to December 12, 2007. Member, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 2006-09, Maryland Judicial Conference.
Associate County Attorney, Office of Law, Prince George's County, 1987-2005. Member, Task Force on Business-Owner Compensation in Condemnation Proceedings, 2004-05.
University of Maryland, B.A. (economics), 1981; Antioch School of Law, 1986. Law clerk to Judge James H. Taylor, Prince George's County Circuit Cuort, 1986-87. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987. Member, American Bar Association, 1987-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1987- (litigation law section); Prince George's County Bar Association, 1988-; J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association, 1990; Harry A. Cole Bar Association (judicial council). Member, Marlborough Inn of Court, 1996-. Member, National Association of Women Judges, 2008-. Secretary, Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 1997-2003, 2004- (judicial selection committee, 1997-2003; task force on judicial selection policy & procedure, 2008). Certificate of Achievement, Black Women's Bar Association of Suburban Maryland, Inc., 2006. Maryland Bar Fellow, 2008.
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